
The Transition and Modern Day Golden Age of America

3 months ago

The 2024 U.S. Presidential election wasn’t just a contest of candidates—it was a movement, a sweeping call from the American people to reset the nation’s course. This election embodied a return to the founding ideals of the United States: freedom of speech, the right to self-determination, and the desire for a government that empowers rather than encroaches. After years of heightened government oversight and spending that seemed to spiral unchecked, American citizens from all walks of life rallied around one message: we need change.

Former President Donald Trump’s resounding victory reflects the will of a population tired of watching bureaucracy override individual freedoms, tired of a bloated government that seems increasingly out of touch. The past four years of soaring costs and rationed family budgets brought Americans back to a place dangerously close to the anxieties of the Great Depression era. In times of hardship, the calls to curb excessive government spending, focusing instead on effective, efficient governance, have only grown louder.

Trump’s victory represents the collective hope for a “better tomorrow”, a desire for peace and prosperity for all Americans, regardless of background or belief. This election will be remembered as a historic turning point, a day when Americans reasserted their commitment to the nation’s founding principles.

On this episode of Money Never Sleeps Radio we talked about the sweeping President Trump victory and the impact that may be coming from Electric Vehicle credits, Housing, Small Business, Deregulation of Financial Markets, Immigration and more.